So it is offically 2005, a new and glorious year to accomplish anything! It doesnt feel any different though. To celebrate, I ran down the streets in nothing but my boxers screaming the lyrics to the song “Dont Walk Away Eileen” by Sam Roberts. So if you saw me, dont be alarmed, it was just some crazy whackjob running down the street in his boxers, nothing new.

Well I’m not sure what to write, I was thinking something short since my last post was INSANELY HUGE… hey is it my fault I have a boring exciting life?

Tomorrow night I am playing a big game of poker with some guys, winner takes home $200.00, loser takes home an empty wallet. Wish me luck.

In the meantime though I would just like to express my uttermost appreciation and love for all my friends. And when I say friends I say if I know you and if you know me, even a little, you are my friend. So thank you all for everything. My resolution this year is to get to know all of you better, you guys rock!

Keep it real this new year!

wurd up! ahahaha…ya foo!


19 thoughts on “


    Hope this coming year is good for you!

    Hey man, i get to see you this year!!!!ahahhaha

    do you know how to play poker?????? eheh Hope you win.

    cya man


  2. Happy New Year’s Brando….hope you had fun….haha my nite was so intresting, haha lets just say it took like an hour and a half to get home from Jordans house haha!

  3. happy new year! man you always have so many comments… its makes me jealous! hm to celebrate the new year i missed midnight ’cause me and some people were playing xbox! haha, luckily someones watch was slow so we went by that one! how handy, eh?

  4. my eyes wont turn into squares and what about the computer? ’cause if thats true and applies to the computer im screwed

  5. hahaha too bad I missed that nice site lol *go brandon* You’ll kick butt and bring the mula home;) then you can take all your great friends out for lunch 🙂 JK lol cya around xoxo–Ash

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