I have decided, and with encouragement from Victor, to post this..


Haha I know I know…

Ariel from the Little Mermaid.                         Belle from Beauty and the Beast










Jasmine from Aladdin                         Sleeping Beauty from uh Sleeping Beauty (awake version)

 So heres the deal, you gotta vote (comment) on who you think is the best looking. The winning character will be proclaimed as the “hottest disney babe” and uh yeah thats it. So vote! vote! vote!

Next time it will be Disney’s Hottest Animal Babes!!! (whaaat? havent you ever seen Nala from the Lion King, ohh shes georgous.)

To start I vote for…. ahhhh there all tooo good looking, I cant decide.


44 thoughts on “

  1. ok Ariel and Belle are the hottest indeed…yup yup…they are real as well…

    i never really understand how u like cartoon characters so much…but lets face it, they’re freakin hott!!!

  2. its totally jasmine dude.  shes the sexiest one there.  honestly, one that part where she was half coming onto aladdin on the balcony of her room,  i was like “dang…why cant a cartoon version of me take aladdins place right now…!”  but bell comes in a close second.   i just wish jasmine had more fashion sense.  the bright sky blue, is kinda ugly.

    aaand hottest animal…hmm…  i cant think of any other ones other than nala.  except for the fox from robin hood.  she was….a fox…? haha.

  3. haha yea actually i have 3. hah. yea i got a little bored 😉

    i have my peach_plum_princess one which is very old. i have my heartfelt_soul one, and my somewillseek_forgiveness one. i actually have another one too but its extremely old and i never go on it anymore…i cant really even remember what it was called! hah. but yes i should be off now….toodles!

  4. uhhh…wow. Is it just me or do they all basically look the same…
    but if you really want me to vote… PRINCE CHARMING IS THE HOTTEST!!!!!

    I know he’s not one the list. But I had to vote for him. I love him.

    Also. I never understood the ” ^_^ ” face…. I just don’t get it.

  5. oh my. seriously. that is next to impossible.

    they’re all like, replicas of each other with different voices and hair, lol.
    first one out IMO: sleeping beauty.
    then it’s allllmost a three way tie between Jasmine, Ariel and Belle, but I think in the end … frig. Ariel wins? Ariel or Jasmine? .. Nah, I think Ariel.

  6. Heya! ^.^ *Pokes your shoulder* No, you don’t know me, and I’ve just poked your shoulder. But..I like your site. So, Useless e-Props to you.

    Anyway. My vote is… Jasmine. But only by process of elimination. Because,you can’t deny Sleeping Beauty’s got fat thunder shoulders, and Bell looks snobbish, and Ariel’s got a weird expression on her face. So yes, I say Jasmine.

    Okie. I’m done. *Bows and Exits*

  7. well arent you just so cool. you know im a disney character 😉 lol no jk

    i think the prince from little mermade is a hottie i think he should leave her become human and marry me yeah, i have it all planned out

  8. hahahaha
    id like to know how you come up with these things…
    well honestly i cant really vote… thatd just be weird…
    but man that drawing of ariel… man i think i shall try to draw like that…
    wicked saweet drawing i must say

  9. haha ur awesome…lol and i don’t really know any of those disney characters that well so i’m gonna say bell b/c in the winter i was in a fashion show and wore a dress that looked like bell’s

  10. So your into the hole toons thing eh I guess I could hook you up with some pic lol just kidding with you I’m not into that whole cartoon porn thing but i just dont now about you i think you might be into the animal thing also HMMMMMMMMMMM? (I’m just kiding) 

    PS: I vote for Ariel =).

  11. What in the heck of what ever is anything is this?!?!?!?!? Ur crazy man… ok ariel definitly… but seriously… who thinks about these kinds of things.

    Haha, ok. good stuff.

    ur weird man.

  12. well, I personally ahve met Jasmine in person. at Dinsney world, adn wow….. she hugged em and kissed me adn all that jazz. so my vote would be her hands down, or i may vote for her hands up…. really doesn;t matter either way hands up or hands down she is the best looking cartoon out of those four…..and while u are all busy voting i actually was hugging and kissing her…… so I win….:)

    I am the only guy here i think who “got with” a cartoon … oh yeah hahah

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