so it looks like Ariel wins that one by a landslide (14 votes).

anyways though on a more serious note…or something that leads away from disney charcters anyways, I’m recording a demo.

yes yes I know I’ve said this like 50 trillion times already but this time for sure. I know because I already started so ha! there you go, it will happen.

so if any of you heard what I sang at the talent show thats the same stuff thats going to be on the demo pretty much. I’ve written some new stuff but didnt have it memorized enough to record it. I’m not to sure when it will be done but I would imagine it wouldnt take a huge amount of time. anyways so theres a music update for you.

school…is nearing an end. must get missing assignments in pronto or thats a bunch of zeros for me.

life in general is running pretty smooth I guess. I get my drivers license at the end of June and I regret to say that Zach beat me and is getting his license like two weeks before me only because I forgot to call an book my road test in advance. boo.

I saw this one kid hit another kid in the head with a shoe today as I was walking home from school. the end.


33 thoughts on “

  1. Thanx…..good luck with ur demo, i’m sure it’s gonna turn out great, can’t wait to hear it. Congrats about ur almost drivers liscence! Imagine that, i saw to guys fight today. It was when i walked into the school and was about to go up the stairs when some guy pushed another guy down a few stairs and they continued to shove other another and yell until the principal came and broke it up. Phew good thing i hadn’t gotten there a little bit soon or else i might have been caught in the fight. hmm well good luck with ur finals and stuff cya

  2. that was a beautiful ending to your post there…
    yesss for school ending
    booo for exams and missing assignments
    yeah well you beat me for the liscence… my birthday is at the end of the year so i have to wait forEVER just to get my L…
    boo that sucks

  3. lol. awesome.

    and there ARE so meany freaking spiders. the other night i killed four. AHHHHHHHH.
    i say we form a spider-killing-squad. we can be all h-core and sneaky. because you’re good at the whole “sneaky” thing. 😉

    and …. yeah. that would be why your shoe was in the bathroom. i got tired of using my shoes, and your shoe was the next closest thing. that’d be why there are THREE shoes in the bathroom. 😛

  4. nice woot for hitting people with shoes lol
    well im getting that demo forsure
    i love your music its great
    well i guess i will talk to you later on today
    and thank you for that comment it made my morning

  5. oh man …. I should have gone to that talent show…. hmm I will get that demo… yes yes I will…. hmmm since you are sharing your recording I will share mineee …. hahah … hehe … okay anyways… we have a got a c.d coming out in july and I say when yours comes out … you give me one of yours and I will give you one of mine….. mhmm … its a deal even if you don’t say it is..

  6. well anyone can get your demo…. but can I be on it? think about it….. i got a song or two we could do….. oh yeah …..

    and jasmine….. all jasmine….. read my comment on the last entry to find out why

  7. when i first heard the new copeland i thought i liked the old stuff better. but i have beeen listening to the new stuff and i absolutly love it…..i think copeland is amazing haha i love it all. ..even their cover album.soooo gooood

  8. i can get my N at the beginning of july, but i wont because 1) i cant really drive that good, and 2) i havent booked my road test and 3) well there is no three…soo yea good luck!:)

  9. ps You so have to tell me what you were going to tell me. im hunting you down tomorrow to get you to tell me. MUAGA

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