is this the right direction?

so my mp3 player broke just as I was leaving wal-mart, and since thats where I bought it in the first place two months ago, I decided to see if I could pull off getting a refund.

and I did.

so I needed something to listen to music with, something besides a gay, worthless, cheap mp3 player, no…I needed something much better, something like…

a 4 gig ipod nano.

yessirebob, I bought an ipod nano. half with my refund money, half with my rent money. I cant decide which I hate more, not having any portable music player to carry with me, or spending $381.00 on a gay ipod.
…I’ll never be able to forgive myself.

and in other news, I quit my job…again. yes I know, but I did not enjoy that place very much. so in two weeks, I will once again be an unemployed individual. but dont worry, I’ll strike it rich somehow between now and then.

kk so coffee and an all nighter at my house, any takers?


a love so pure, it could not be broken.

not forgotten by the progress of time or become hidden behind a new face.
it would always linger, never letting go, in the back of your mind, you will remember.
when years have passed and the smell of spring turns back to the bitter cold,
those days that were spent will replay a vivid remembrance of a romantic idea, that never came to pass.
but the corners are cleaned now, everythings been boxed away.
its been sent with no return address, with the intent to forget.
the evidence is sealed and the proof has been disposed.
all the loose ends are tied while this subject is growing old.
memories of the past have been erased and replaced by memories of the new.
and everything that once was, is despised by you.
I tried to find them, I swear I did, but the letters are lost beneath the waters current.
the ink is gone along with the words, and the heart and the meaning behind them is cursed.
I dont think they will be found again.
there is nothing that will prove, that this love did exisit.
they may talk about the time, when all of this mattered.
and when I overhear their conversation, I will correct them in a timely manner.
I will tell them the story of what really happened.
and they will doubt me and ask for proof.
I will respond and say I have nothing, but a photograph and a promise I swore I’d keep.
then I’ll sit there and wonder, if you ever wondered to,
that it was mistake to erase, every last thing that remained.
my only regret is that I wish I had known sooner, so I could savour all that could be saved.
and the one day, I’ll look back and say,

it was a love so pure, that it could not be broken…

25 thoughts on “

  1. haha brandon, your life never seems to get dull

    i’m sure you enjoy the nano a lot more than u think and good luck with finding a new job!

    God is always watching out for you.

    as for me school has come way too soon and i’m gonna miss my crazy busy days of doing random things with friends

  2. hahaha your hilarious. You could have gone yourself. I don’t know why no one else went, but i had to go to my older brothers hockey game. You know family before friends. Anyways it is SUNDAY TODAY. And if you still want to go camping be my guest. But take someone with you… cause there is HUGE cugars out there.
    ps. I’m up for coffee at your house any time. You now know my cell number so call it when you are ready for the best night of coffee games.
    pss. I don’t really know any coffee games.
    psss. Just thought I would throw that in there.
    pssss. But we can learn some……..

  3. quit ur job, huh? hope u find another 1 soon. but i still can’t figure out wuts so bad about an ipod nano??? seriously i would give up almost anything for 1 of those, but yeah wtf, C/B TTYL

  4. hahahahahaha.
    you make me cry.
    from laughing so hard.
    haha you watched from the bedroom with her.
    ick. eww. tumnus.
    haha ipod nano, i was like uhm. last night.
    tonight let’s get drunk.
    haha im kidding…

  5. Hey There
    So your life seems to be a tid bit interesting. you spent your rent money on an ipod and you quit your job…  Haven’t you only worked there a couple weeks? I hope it all works out for ya!
    Are you still going to Mexico?
    I am but i’m behind in my payments. a little bit..
    Have a great day

  6. haha saweeeeet. well im not gone completely. i comment and stuff… well no i really just comment. but there will always be nexopia…….
    ahh welcome to the club. you are now one of us. and by us, i really only mean you and me and the other guy i know that has a nano… 😉

  7. hahahahahahaha! You left me the best comments of my life. YOUR MY HERO! Wow I was dieing. There hilarious. I’m going to have to witness this sometime. Call me when that happends again.

  8. can’t there r rules that don’t allow me, and if i broke any of them then i would definitly get in troublr…so i guess i will just have to let the people and the world continue to mold me into who “THEY” want me 2 be, wtf

    anyways TTYL C/B annika**DUH**

  9. no i REALLY can’t cause unless mr.s will let it go that i bear my stomach and wear shirts that r even barely there (if u get wut i mean), and even wear skirts that r shorter that dress code allows, well then there is also my folks, but yeah TRUST me i would if it weren’t for those fuckin’ dress code rules!!!!!!!!!! TTYL G2G do spanish, (I HATE IT!!!) C/B

  10. thanks, but i don’t really lyk 2 talk 2 much over xanga. but i’ll consider it, seeing thatur lyk one of the ONLY 2 people i can talk 2….TTYL C/B

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