I’m not even kidding, click here

Trust me, you’ll be even happier then this kid right here.

every second of my time,
every ounce of my strength,
all my love,
everything I am,

…is yours.

well I had to take my ipod back so I could buy my passport. I so hate government forms. now all I can hope for is that I get it back before we leave for mexico. but some good news, I was feeling nerdy so I bought a gameboy sp with some of the leftover money.

oh, and I got my upper left ear pierced (no one tell mr. smith or he will cut me in half, in which case, I will cut you in half for telling )

hmm and in other news, it would seem like this whole california trip might not happen (anyone see that one coming?) reason being, lack of money and time to get it, plus I think we lost a little bit of the drive. I mean, we havent even watched the oc in like a month.

so thats that. when I gain super powers, you’ll be the first to know. catch you all later.


edit: 9:47pm, on my way to bed, and then I got the phone call.

all nighter.
only this time with all the guys.

edit 2: 5:04pm, just came back from school…and a job interview. I’d say it went pretty well.

all nighters are not for the faint of heart.
the short summary is:

victor went home at 4am
jordan fell asleep during breakfast at my house
marc left the school 10 minutes after arriving to go home and sleep (aka. he came to my house and slept in my bed for like 5 hours)

so in the end, it was only zach and me that truly survived the night. but we couldn’t have done it without the large injections, consumptions and so forth of any of the various caffienated products that we intook into our body throughout the night.

would I do it again?
…sure, if I’ve slept for 47 hours first.

63 thoughts on “

  1. that sux,  that you had to return your ipod, man i wish i could get one, but with my allowence and lak of job,  that doesnt look very likely.

    but i hope youguys have a good trip, wich i probably should know when it is, because of zach being my brother and all,  but i dont. but i am guessing its in about a month.

  2. Hahaha ,lol nice. You probably dont remember me or have no clue who i am Cassandra…was in the school in gr. 7. yep, thought i would drop you a comment… super powers; sounds fun lol. Have a great day
    God Bless

  3. that sucks. at least i’m not overly jealous of you know i remember that we had to get cassandra’s passport when we took her to anaheim last summer, it didn’t really take too long. just like a month or so i think. ya, hopefully mr smith won’t find out. but to be honest it would be funny to see his reaction lol. hope you get the money for cali. not that i would like to see you go but because it seems like you would like it down there.

  4. pretty good, except i’m back up here now as of yesssterday.
    i didn’t even know you bought an ipod. but that sucks that you had to take it back. are you going to mexico with the missions team now?

  5. lol, im actually taking a correspondance/online course through merritt. its called SCIDES. such fun, its cool God has done so much and i can see why we ended up in this school when we did . Next year im doin HCOS all the way baby! I may take some courses at the school though…

  6. haha,i still watch the o.c all the time.
    i still am planning on going down there sometime.
    i still have the drive.
    i could have the money if i wanted.

    it’s all y o u.


  7. hey well really dont know wat that comment waz about but..kool..haha ight well u git my site?..ight holla at yah!…peace


  8. hahahaha no. I am pretty sure you haven’t done this before. I have got some awesome connections to make this idea happen. Even though I probably won’t end up doing it, I still could be rich if I did.

  9. thanx, ya i got tired of the old ones, so i’m planning on closing them down VER soon….

    TTYL C/B soon


  10. Hey there Brandon, havent been on this thing for a while.  Whats new with you?  So our next show would be on Monday.  Me and Rach are playing at Willow Park for about 20 minutes. Did you hear?…. I WON THE INTERNATIONAL SONGWRITING COMPETITION!

  11. man, i love you too.

    we’ll not lose touch.  if we lose touch, then there wont be hope for anything in the world.  we’ve gotta have regular hangs, and be friends at an old age, sit on a porch in rocking chairs and reminiss…

    it all seems so sad…but i’m looking forward to it.  i just hope it doesn’t happen for a reaaaaally long time.

  12. seriously…why was i not invited to your homo all nighter of walking around kelowna. like seriously that meant i couldn’t crash in your bed or be sleepy and be like “yeah it’s because i pulled an all nighter” i would be so sweet and i am not even being sarcastic right now.

  13. cool. hey brandon, answer this question for me, but don’t comment it back, email it to me… do you think beauty should come from the outside or the inside? and what do you think beauty should be based off of?

  14. heh. yeah i suppoes its pretty cool.

    but everyone plays now day. meh.

    all nighters are always fun.

    i somehow manage to always pass out at some point during the day afterwards though.

  15. oh dude… i was just checking out ur myspace thing… and buddy… ( haha sorry) but yeah dude… tomorrow is totally and completely my favorite song of yours… and even up in my greatest songs of all time list. man. if we continue to play as a band… we HAVE to play that song. oh man… so good. seriously. I am shocked. I didn’t remember it being that good. but man… yeah.

  16. Hey. I’ve heard a lot of people talking about that singer guy… what type of music is it? And is he any good?

  17. so the craziest thing happened last night, I woke up to the sound of a ring on my phone at like 4 in the morning hahaha.  I listened to the message but I was too tired to phone back, when you do somthing crazy like that again, tell me ill try my hardest not to fall back to sleep but to return the call.

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