Weeelllllll I’m in computers at the moment and so I HAD to update my xanga cause I’m bored outta my head. Stupid bloody computer midterm! …Give me strength….

*sigh* Have you ever felt so close to someone one day, and then so far away the next? Man it seems like thats the way it is for a bunch of things right now. Close one day, far away the next. Bah…today was a waste of time. I should’ve spent it in bed. Nothing exciting happened, just a dull, boring existance at the moment. Hmmm perhaps I could think of something to lighten the moment, oui?

I know! How about my entire post so far in Chinese!?

Haha that was so cool! Hey I feel better now, maybe Chinese is the answer to all my problems. I think I’m going to go on a pilgramage to some mountain in the deep, thick forests of China! I’ll travel to the Great Wall and stay there for awhile and write book. I’m call it: “The Stupidest Thing I’ve Ever Done.”

Anyways that happy moment only lasted a second, now I’m back to my sad state of mind. The only thing that could cheer me up is that fact then I’m getting the internet tomorrow….hang on a sec……here it comes……


Hey if you havnt had the net for the last six months, you would be happy to. Anyways thats all the stuff I can think of to write at this paticular time soooooo have a wicked awsome friday and stuff like that.

EDIT: Have ever had a day when you felt so close to someone you just wanna kiss em!????? *sigh* heh I love it…


9 thoughts on “

  1. Brandon,

    how are youu?..man i never knew you spoke chinese..you’ll have to teach me sometime 😉 then we can have a secret language that no one will know but us..well and chinese people..i hope you cheer up soon!..member that i love you!..

    Hannah 🙂

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