Wow…I had no idea so many people would care if I left. Haha oh man you guys are killing me here! …now I really gotta think about this one. *sigh*

So its saturday and I’m sitting here at home doing pretty much nothing. I hope you guys are all having a more exciting day then I am. I’ve been working on a new song for a couple of hours but I’m not sure if I’m going to keep it or not.

So heres a news update on stuff:


..heh I felt the need to express that. So whos all stoked? Can I get a wOOt! wOOt! Haha…anyways.

Well thursday was the talent show. That went pretty good, everyone did fantastic! I even heard that I managed to do allright. ^_^

So friday night I just stayed home and watched Envy with Ben Stiller and Jack Black. Not a bad show, a little boring at times but an overall funny movie.

I think I’m getting sick again. My chest is really sore and the docter told me to stay on this puffer for a little while so I’m not to “jazzed” about that. Hopefully it will clear up soon.

I RAN DOWN RUTLAND ROAD FROM ONE END TO THE OTHER IN A SPANDEX, SKIN TIGHT JUMPSUIT!!!! Haha it was so funny…its a good thing there were no car accidents. My only regret is that someone didnt film it…

So life seems to be going pretty okey right now so I’m a little relieved about that considering the last little while has been a little stressful.

Well thats the story folks. Not much to say other then that. I hope you all have a good weekend and have a wicked good time this Christmas break. So thats it, I’m outta here.

-Brandon aka. Berniece

PS. Eat your vegetables. ^_^

17 thoughts on “

  1. Hey Brandon,

    haha see? no one wants you to go..SO i thought up an idea..since no one wants you to leave..i say that you stay! 🙂 what a plan!..who agrees with me?..

    Christmas holidays! WOOT WOOT..haha, ah yes the talent show was lots of fun!..stressful day i must say (woa ryme) but fun!..

    have an awesome to ya later


  2. Hey man, im tired, ive had a sleepless weekend, and i gotta get up early tomorrow!
    Dude, we gotta e-mail each other, and see how our lifes are. Dude cant wait to cya this summer!

    well gotta go, its late, remember, im 9 hours ahead in the future,ehhe



  3. get rid of the spandex,,,omg you freak haha jk, yaya for the Christmas Break…so your staying at the school now! yes you are! yes the talent show was awesome!


    Trust an old music dog here, keep all your songs you will regret throwing any of them away. I recently lost a bunch of new songs i had written adn AHHHHHH so mad…. keep it even for years to come. may touch someone some day, i can not count the times I went and looked over my old songs and they touched me more then anyone. Keep a binder and share them as you wish.

    Dan the Man

  5. well whatever you decide to do, make sure you want to do it.
    i wish i had the creativity to write songs… dude thats an awesome gift.
    ps- did you run past the police station? lol

  6. hey hey

    you just commented on my site!! like 2 seconds ago!! you should go on msn if youre on the comp! haha well actually the nice thing is that it hasnt hurt one bit. it just feels really weird and dont eat spiky things cuz they poke and it hurts haha. well ttyl have a good one

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