Hey guys sorry about the delay in updating, no computer time where I live. So I’m sure your all wondering what that countdown was, well simply put it was a merely a…

*Program Error. Unable to Display Text*

Oh wow would you look at that…a program error. I seem to be getting a lot of those these days. I guess you’ll never know what the countdown was for…unless you hear it from a friend of a friend of mine…or yours, whichever it happens to be.  Or perhaps it was simply a countdown to a doomsday device and the only reason it stopped was because a team of courageous super heros managed to sneak into my secret laboratory and diffuse the bomb…or whatever catastrophic device I might have had…mwaha.

Wait…why would I be laughing?

So nothing new really. Got a bunch of stupid classes that I’m stuck with for the next semester, I’m leaping for joy…off a cliff. Ahh no just kidding, I’m not that insane.

So pulled an all nighter monday night and I’m really starting to feel the effects. My advice to you is simple…dont pull all nighters on school nights. Instead get a good 8 hours of sleep and eat healthy.

So ya I wont bore you with anymore exciting boring events because the list goes on you know. So you all have a good week and dont pull any all nighters…without me.


….that was some serious commentage on my last entry…. speical thanks to all of you! ^_^

18 thoughts on “

  1. sorry I didnt stay up with you all nite man…haha i wanted some sleep….nite before that I was up till like three…foo…haha you are so mean to these ppl…I can’t believe you didnt say why the countdown was on there…haha! well hmm…I guess it’s not that important anymore…yeah ok bye.

  2. haha you rock brando lol haha ya i pulled an all nighter a couple time before and once i fell asleep in boustin pizza it was funny but ya great b-ball game today!!!and i loved your guyss song!!!!!

  3. hah,I would be excited if we both got a record deal. More so for myself… but there would be some happiness for you in there somewhere.

    Well, In celebration of our record deals, I think you, (being a friend of a friend of mine) should tell me what this countdown was all about.

  4. hey brandon!……. you are great at making hit songs ……. well about this countdown………. tell me haha……… ok well continue with your great guitar writing……. have a good night!

  5. Ohh It was just splendid that practice. terribley unexciting thoooough.And maybe one of these days you will understand all my worries and explain them to me eh.

  6. And.alll I can say can we take ride get out this town well we still have timee.

    yeah you get your L or N what ever the one it is you can drive with without a adult. we shall get out of thise town and take a ride.

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