Haha well guys interesting weekend I’ll say. There was the party friday out in glenmore, skateboarded there and back…wow its longer then it looks.

Got locked out of the house all night. (I knew I should’ve left sooner) So what else to do with 7 and a half hours but go to Tim Hortons. Ofcourse when I got there I had relaized I lost my wallet, which really really really sucks. I mean I cannot describe to you in words how sucky that is, seriously.

Anyways so me and this other dude were trying to get some sleep all night but the tables were so darn uncomfortable, I tell ya. Then there were like drunk people coming in and coffee machines going, you guessed it, no sleep for me.

So no money, I was starving and I was in a friggin dougnut shop, the worst thing imaginable. So at around 8:00 am I went home and woke up Justin and got him to let me in. Once inside I made a bagel and went to bed. Boyyy did that feel good.

So thats the highlight/exciting part of my weekend. Hope you all got more sleep then I did. Have a good one boys and girls.



19 thoughts on “

  1. trying to sleep in tim hortons with no money? Crazy man! …. haha you shoulda woke ashley up at 4 in the morning instead of justin haha ok ya…… Anyways… you need to learn how to listen! and spell analyze lol! AnA no ANE hahah ok ya fun fun.

  2. awww thats so harsh about your wallet! haha how do you always get into crazy situations liek that? i would liek die if i got locked out of my house at night haha and then my mom would bring me back to life to kill me again for coming home too late… oooh boy

  3. hahaha it was not seven hours…haha it is wierd waking up to a long stick banging on my window haha…w/e all good fun eh? haha jk…too bad I didnt get up earliar haha…at least the rice man didnt try and rape you while you were trying to sleep in Timmy’s that would not have been too pleasant haha…okay…im done…

  4. hey dude i so live in glenmore where did u go in glenmore like seriously buddy i live i glenmore hahaha like right by danya and ya so hope you had an awsome sleep and bagel haha

  5. ahhhhhh I dont know what I would do in a situation like that….. probably…… cry…. yep I would be crying in the timhorons place and when they came and asked what was wrong with me….. I would cry so then they would have to give me free stuff….. mmmmm… yessss

  6. haha your sitting right infront of me right now and i bet you dont even know hahah lol but yes its good lol hope you get better to have a good one!!!

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