Spring break officially begins tomorrow… oh what to do with two weeks of no school?



People pleaaaaaase do not assume who the subject of my poetry is. Please note, that this poem is not directed at anyone. With that said I feel relieved and will now go back to my daily activities. Annnnd I sincerley hope everyone has a splendid spring break. the end.


she walked into the room

I could feel her there

the scent of her perfume

made me stare

I turned my head

not wanting to be caught

but my gaze drifted back

rembering what I had forgot

and what would you ask of me

where can I turn

looking through the history

I guess I’ll never learn

why am I waiting

where is my life

love is fading

causing strife

a day will come

of that I’m sure

but I will save some

love for her

20 thoughts on “

  1. shoot your like emo.
    oh man.the head.
    its battered. getting better
    but well i skinned my knee
    when i feel down those steps.
    shoot it hurt

  2. emo indeed…uh oh haha…well yeah Sb starts at like 2:45 haha…yea some crazy stuff we will do indeed…whoa dude i just got like that thing…dejavu or sumthin…haha ok well w/e we do well be a blast…even when im away haha…yes the used is turning into one of my faves…uh oh…its awesome!

  3. hah emo lol hmm now lets see i wonder who that poem is about? lol and ya it was good ok that rocky the racoon is pretty sexy if i should say so myself and yes no bleeding noses so happy and ya spring breakk woot hey we should hangout during spring break cause i think that would be fun!!! ok well talk to you soon!!!

    <333333333333333333333333333333 *Jodi much loves

  4. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lol i think i literally said that for that long WOW lol thta is real good…hmm do somehting interesting accomplish your goals…liek before. wear yur spandex suit infront of teh kelowna sign or something lol ahve fun! 🙂 go to teh mall maybe I’ll see ya there maybe we can “chill” xoxo–Ash

  5. aw i liek it! man dumb spring break! ive got nothign to do for the whole thign! well thers my bday but im not doing anythign for it! its going to be a long boring 2 weeks!

  6. wurd up!! i just felt like saying that hahaha feels good!! kiddo now brandon we are like 10 months a part and i am 2 years more mature then you so there fore you are the kiddo ok kiddo! see ya kiddo

  7. its because i have more comments then
    you thats why your jealous opf me.
    or im just more emoer then you.
    no brand why jealous of me.
    i mean out of everyone jealous of me.
    shooot.bad person to be jealous of.
    well i am jealous of your long poem skill.
    its mad awesome

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