sooooooo its been awhile since I last updated I know. heh that must be some sort of record for me. I dunno I usually have something to write about but lately life has been pretty dull.

so summer break is here and that is rad (I’m so desperate to write something I’m just stating the obvious).

so I’ve decided to start every new paragraph in this entry with “so” so just to let you know.

so the grads have gradded(?) which gets me stoked for next year cause then I will be gradded and be FREEEEE FROM SCHOOL FOREVER!!!! (except for 4 years of colleage, buttt lets not talk about that now)

so I played at the HCS awards night on wednesday and I think I did allright. my voice was pretty warmed up so I think I hit everything on key. I’m talking to the folks down at Java Express in Rutand (I think they changed their name or something tho) and seeing if I can play a show there so if anybodys interested that looks like a realistic possiblity some time soon. I’ll let everyone know once I get the details.

so I hate exams and they suck and the other day a bird flew right into the bus window right where I was sitting.

…I dont think it survived.

rAnDoM/. bRaNdOn/.

48 thoughts on “

  1. ahaha stupid bird
    you did awsome at awards night and i mean awsome
    but yeah have a show sooon
    and we need to do something this summer like seriously
    have a good day

  2. really? that is so awesome. criminology is definitly something i want to take. yeah im still considering law. it would take soo long though

  3. hey i really like ur xanga. i like ur taste in music, and u sound really cool, and i like that u put God on ur lil interest thingie.

    well im just really bored, so u can comment me back if u wanna

  4. Awww poor bird. I probably would have freaked or had some form of a spasm if a bird hit my window.

    but anyways… Black Eyed Peas are pretty dandy. I had that song stuck in my head for 3 days. Not so dandy.

  5. BRANDON!! man…you mad…i was like  ” :O ”   the whole time…better than most live concerts ive been to…if you do play a show at a coffee shop…you HAVE to tell my on my xanga…or get elise to call me…i serously lovedddd it

  6. hey, that would be awesome, and fyi its graduated not gradded, my word 😛 u did awesome @ the awards ceremony!!! we were cheering u on (the 4 girls on the lil wing area 😛 ) lol ya, fireworks 2nite, u gotta tell me when ur gonna get that show, pleaz update ur xanga more often 😉 lol, God bless, the schools gonna be empty and lonely when u graduate!!! nnnooooo!

  7. poor little bird:(
    you did great at the talent show…you’re hypnotizing, lol you did good dont worry..i will definitely come when you play at the coffee shop!

  8. *sigh* birds….-_- God Could have made ’em just a tiny bit smarter! (or glass just a little less see through)

    I would come, gimme the where and when and I’d go!

  9. the bluff was soooooooooo much effing fun and gooooood…woo

    guess what. ima damn gangsta now…


    ok well ill tty sometime…have a good summer yo, HAH if i dont see u, man i been out sooo much…catch up time,,,soonn,,,deal…aight yo. peace out  =P

  10. if you’re really gullable and forgetful(which i think you are) then yes, you do owe 9 rides

    but if you’re not then no you don’t

  11. hey brandon? umm… ok, i need to talk to you, if you’re available, cassandra and i have a gig for you…. if you want more information, you can email me at  [email protected] you wouldn’t get paid, but its sorta like a mini one afternoon avalanche type of thing for local christian bands, please get back to me asap…


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