so I decided to change the look of everything. dont know for sure if I’ll keep it yet though.

I need to do something…something exciting and crazy. something new and worthwhile. the days feel like there getting wasted cause I’m just sitting on my lazy butt all day doing nothing. Bluenotes doesnt start me until next week and even when they do, I dont know how many hours I’m gonna get (hopefully lots).

…I need $110.00 by wednesday. any ideas?

yeah I’m pretty much screwed.

dangit I knew I shouldn’t have bought all that candy with my driving test money!

edit: I dont know Phil…does she like butter tarts? haha…

edit 2: never skateboard in the dark because of the following reasons:

  1. Its dark and you cant see what your doing
  2. As a result of #1, you might not see several honey garlic chicken wings on the road and run over them therefore sliding on concrete therefore causing you to nearly fricken kill yourself.

29 thoughts on “

  1. ahhh come on, were going to rob a store or something already—>we just need a plan, then you will have more then what you need..HAHA that well good luck with w/e you do…psycho.

  2. guess what i can emo dane like that mhm its awsome
    come to the mall with me im going at 3 kk so you better be there
    but yeah is you ever want to do something just email me or give me a call 762-0094 cause yeah im pretty bored myself
    well ttyl

  3. haha. i told you s–i mean… 😉 but no, we will find a way for you to get that money yet. you’ll see.
    and, if you mean on the bus, then you almost were there when that song originated! except that i thought of the title sitting in that big comfy black chair in my room. but still, you were dang close.

  4. Bluenotes would be a cool place to work, but i’d find it hard not to blow my checks there.
    hmm $110 by wednesday? hit the corner man, strut your stuff! hah i kid.  i dunno.
    the site looks good to me.


  5. hmm….you could raid your couch?  i dont know… im not very good at thinking of ways to make money…
    i like the site, however, i think it could use some color 🙂




    thats awesome…good busking by the way, i thought it was cute how that little like 3 year old girl gave you change HAHA…took her like 5 minutes 😛

  7. ahhh love the layout, hahaha…umm we went to wal mart, and we said we would be back HAHA, then we came back but could not find you., and we saw this wierd girl playing her guitar in the park and her voice would be good, if she wasnt like a Phoebe (Friends) wannabe…haha i bet u she could of sang Smelly Cats just perfect 😀 HAHAHA…ok foo

  8. dude bluenotes as the best jeans, thats where I buy all mine
    not the guys jeans I wear chick pants but they are the best ever

  9. you say you need sumthing fun to do…since you sound like a crazi person…i’ll give you on of the crazi ideaz of mine and my friend’z….on April’s fools day go get poop from some where and put it in a box and wrap it w/ a bow and everthing…then mail it to a friend *that obviously haven’t read this* who’s b-day is near April’s fool…o..and use birthday paper…so they think its a birthday gift…its funn you should try it…lol just holla if you like the idea…lol

    ^^luv alwayz^^


  10. haha well that sucks about the honey garlic chicken in the dark situation but i have an idea
    if its not too late

    go play at city park or something! it might help…

  11. CHICKEN WINGS???!!!!


    wow that totally made my crappy night, not crappy anymore! thanks:)

  12. wow…have you guyz ever heard of AIM or MSN…you can have convoz on that it’s lotz easier…then doing it on here…but w/e.  what do you mean no one of your friends has that kind of humor…???…that’s crazi all of my friends would luv it…then kill me. but w/e…well you can send it to my friends…i’ll get a kick out it..and they can’t kill me cuz i didn’t do it…

    ^^luv alwayz^^


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