well I managed to come up with the money through regretably selling something that I am so bloody ticked about!!!

ah well it doesnt matter anymore, all that matters is that I got the money. now everything is fine.

so they had to re-book my road test to tuesday so hopefully this time I will pass. no, this time I must pass! I will pass! or the rest of my summer will suck. I hopefully can get my car sometime next week and I almost have another job at Pizza Hut. two jobs will be good, twice the money, twice the fun, twice the work…*sigh*

school seems so close now. the other day I looked at my calander and was like “holy crap its practically August!!!”

I gotta hurry and get my butt in gear and do something big this summer because…


cause next year…thats it, its over. next years summer = freedom, there is no more school after that.

yes yes I know colleage and all that junk blah blah, I’ll worry about that later. but for now lets focus on the good.

so thats the update, I’ll post whether I pass my test or not. have a goooood one.


16 thoughts on “

  1. oh man … I was hoping that we could… the strauss’s leave on the tenth.. that still leaves…13 days to come up with a sidewalk chalk reunion… p.s who made up the name sidewalk chalk? pp.s what did you have to sell?

  2. dkjgdlsgjdlssljals;ajfdljgdslgdhgdslhgieutwtrucmnbmxcbncx,nbcx

    im sorry, i dont know what else to say, but i would feel bad if i didnt leave a comment 😛 HAHA…ok ill give u a better one later…lets hang soon eh? eh? yeah no yeah uhh ok peace

  3. hmmm, i hope you find something memorable to do this summer.sweet two jobs sound..fun:P hope you have a great august!

  4. as i say we must do something this summer its a must ..a demand…we shall do something unthinkable ..outragous uhhh big? lol its a must a demand ok seriously man

  5. hey good to know you got the money… bad to know that you sold something you didnt want to sell
    which pizza hut would you be getting a job at?
    because id have a few red flags for you…
    i hope you will pass your test!

  6. Well, we’ve got a few years left to go. 3.

    But, no college for me it looks like. Sharisse has like 5 years. So, that will make up for my lackage of college. Maybe I’ll go to bible college, who knows.

    Wow. You didn’t need to know that.

    -Moriah and Sharisse

  7. ha I’m sure you’ll pass your drivers test thing

    that would be cool if you got a job at pizza hut. iwould come and complian about the food and service. haha ok maybe not but its still a nice thought

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