failed my driving test again. cause my instructor was dumb. oh well, they say third time is the charm (its a long story).

do I hear laughing?

get my car on saturday, cant drive it yet obviously (except for when no one is looking).

might be getting a laptop soon

getting some decent hours in at Bluenotes

got another job at Pizza Hut

…so things are pretty chill right now. hope you guys are having rad summers. latersss!


EDIT: so I decided to do a cool site of the week thing where I will randomly select a cool xanga site (of someone that I know) and put it on my xanga. hey, all the more merrier for you right?


36 thoughts on “

  1. umm on wednesday?… we made like 130 dollars..but thats at the farmers market… I don’t think you make as much downtown.. when we went there we made like 10 bucks in an hour.. which wasn’t to good… you should go to the farmers market instead of downtown… bobs number is 878-5029

  2. haha well maybe if u had not run a red light!!! HAHAHAHA, yeah funny, wurdddd…been having fun lately, cept i never see uuuuuuu…jerk 😛 damn straight your face lmao HAHA.

  3. everytime i go to fricken bluesnotes your never there its just jesse ugh you suck
    and still we have not done anything and that makes me quite sad ok it does
    so ugh
    thats right ugh

  4. wow
    busy busy
    im getting a ton of hours at extra foods
    thats right you heard me
    extra foods
    too bad i hate it
    the notebook was frikkin amazing
    what a tearjerker
    good luck on your driving test

  5. i think someday i should try and get first comment on here.

    i just about bought a piar of pants from bluenotes. but im broke so i put them on hold

    yep it was awsome

    ah! i listened to your cd and its soooo good. great job!

  6. Christina, no-one was supposed to know that. 😛

    Well Congratulations on the new car! Stinks that you can’t drive it, but……. Rome wasn’t built in a day. (that seemed like an apropriate time for a  cliché don’t you think?) Annnd Congrats on the Pizza Hut job. Which one do you work at? Man I should really get a job…

  7. haha yeah right i told my family i got one and they are like what really white and white and that made me laugh haha so do you work tomorrow at bluenotes? which pizzahut do you work at?

  8. you have to be kiddding me.
    I havn’t commented on your site yet… strange…
    so yess, we are now both working at bluenots.. so radd
    There are a lot of old people coming into mine tho, its odd.
    its waaaaaaaaaaay to hot out to sit inside
    so I must go
    peace and lovee

  9. but that means that you have to update once a week…
    you know… bluenotes is like my favourite store in the mall
    yet i havent ever seen you work there yet
    maybe you’re just lying to us all…
    yep mmhmm thats what it is 😉

  10. Hey Buddy, how you doin, long time no see lol, umm i got busy this past weekend so I couldnt call you back, and now this weekend im going camping with Tanya and Jared, and maybe a couple other ppl for a couple days, then the next weekend with a whole bunch of ppl from my youth, yeah…haha so we should get together sometime, haha was talkin with Tanya and you kept coming up in our convo’s…OMG the good’ ole times we talked about =P let’s not go there, umm yeah, so lets do at least one more thing b4 school starts again, cause once is does, i have no idea when im ever gonna see you…no im not going back to Hcs, so yeah we better do something soon, and catch up yo, dammnnnn 😛 HAHA ok call me up or I call you.

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