aw dangit now I gotta go buy a new fuel pump for my car

$350.00 = gone.

                                    school starts in 5 days.

                            working lots, and eating too much pizza.

and yet somehow

…still flat broke?


27 thoughts on “

  1. maybe its that broke period just before you get the next pay cheque.  i hate that.  maybe dont eat so much pizza.  Tortalini is always a good one to try.  or KD or maybe even a salad.

  2. eff eh? man thats no crunk. haha, yeah i kno eh, someday, some year we will hang, im workin now too, startin tommorow, lol call me when u want, cause im busier then ever now…ahhhh have fun.

  3. of course yours looks different
    silly boy
    not only do we go to
    different schools
    were not even in the same grade
    you shoudlnt eat pizza
    you should save up
    to fix your car

  4. crap deal, brotha.
    we should come up with a sweet way to make some extra cash. like maybe rob a bank. or sell some crazy drugs. or maybe something nicer, like beating up old grannies and taking their life-savings.

    we could do it.

  5. thats why rollerblading is a better idea than a car, gas price is sooo high, plus all the upkeep. and a new fuel pump shouldnt cost that much, go to one of those pick a part, you could get one for like 150

  6. how about we start a business and i get 80 percent of the prfits and you get 20….Does that sound fair??? well make money…..:D

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