It’s not the greatest but its something at least. we recorded it for music class at school. I could’ve done better.

man, this nuts. I dont think I’ve ever gone this long without updating. I guess most of it has to do with me not having a computer, or not being able to get to one…ever.

so whats new? well were in Kamloops right now with the basketball team. we just won our first game, our team played great. we’ve got two more tomorrow, but I think we’ll do well.

uhhh working lots and fun stuff like that. kinda pushes out time for hanging out with people though, I swear I’m at work more then I’m at home. hmmm, geez, haven’t updated in like a month and I still dont know what to say. its snowing? uh its cold outside? I bought these rad new mittens? yeah thats pretty much all the news I have to give at the moment.

whats new with you? blahhdeda.


24 thoughts on “

     iiii loveeeey pooh you brandon you creeper
    call me some time
    its nice to hear everything is going well

    GOOD LUCK WITH BASKETBALL.. sayy hii too everyone. and if they saay something mean, hit then. no im kidding

    good luck yall. god bless lov ya

    xox..uhm//i love show

    umm ok, confirming stuff when you get back, like late tommorow night, or sunday. and this will be so effin’ sweet if we do this. lol. and i talked to you tonight. and we have to make an update; together; of the effed up shit thats happened with us over the last while. ahahahhaa i saw our waitress tonight.

  3. wow that pizza guy im thinking you should kick some ass bro:)  well miss you and love your new mittins!! hope you got to play lots:) with your hot blue shoes! hehe yay, so yeh thats it have a good day… love ya

  4. really? im gunna put my resume in for lasenza girl haha. i dunno i think i would be fine cuz im used ot it liek my “chore” at my dads is folding all there clothes which takes me 1 hour and i am fast they have so many clothes but yea and at his salon i fold a million towls so yeaaa. but thanks for the heads up haha.

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