if i updated any later, people would forget who I was.

yeah, wow, what can I say? I think I just set a new record for myself. no updation in like 40 days. so the reason being that a nice fellow xangaer left a comment on my site where he said some “bad words” so I couldnt get into my account because it got blocked for having an innamproite use of words on it. anyways I fixed that problem, as you can see and well, here I am.

so heres some news, me and mah buds Justin are getting a place. its a lot nicer then the one I’m at now. so we need house shopping volunteers cause I mean c’mon, what do we know about buying things like a vaccum, or a lundry basket or towels? so any takers?

hmm what else. been working lots…still. I need a new job. something that pays more then 8 bucks. been getting like zero sleep, late nights, early mornings, you know how it is. if anybody’s up all night, give me a call and we can go hang out.

so at the new place we will have the net and satalite tv, which means I can catch up on like 3 months of missed msn conversations. haha man I miss the net. so I think I’ll show you a picture of my fridge/stove/sink. it pretty much sucks. the new house has a big fridge, a newer stove and a dishwasher, which is a big improvement from my current situation…as you can see.




23 thoughts on “

  1. yeah, I was kind of like. ok. Brandon doesn’t have to comment back if he doesn’t want to.

    Hah I would so go house shopping with you. Except. I am not sure how much of a help I would be. but yeah. The offer still stands.

    I just have to say, your fridge/stove/sink is insane. ahahaha. I love it.

    In the “wow it’s so pointless” sense of the word.

  2. laundry baskets and towels arent that hard…
    for towels, you go look at it…nice colour?  proceed.  reach out and touch it.  soft and fluffy and thick? yes? proceed.  take it off the shelf and unfold it.  is it large enough?  yes? then proceed.  is it relatively inexpensive?  yes? then go buy your sharp new towel.
    laundry baskets are much more simple:  go look at it.. nice colour?  yes? proceed.  bendyish and not stiff that its going to crack if you step on it or sit in it?  yes?  great go buy it.
    vacuum i have no idea.

  3. well, you sure know how to make something not-so-good-and-fun sound not-so-bad 😉
    that sounds like a lot of fun, going house shopping, seeing as i guess thats sorta what i wanna do for a living 😉 – for other people’s houses i mean –
    well God Bless, Brandon!!

  4. omg omg omg…hahaha i’m so stoked. just a few more weeks…and we MOVE out; bahhhahahaha, Gosh your a psycho. ummm ok we already have one person to take shopping…and alot to get. guess what. umm yeah ill tell you later, like tommorow.
    oh yeah I love Senses Fail.

  5. OH OH *waves hangs in air**
    pick mee!!!! ill come shoppping wit youu

    btw:: noo one could forget about you LOserrr<33

    but no serious, take me.  Ever since i was little i have wanted to do thatt.. seriously. aaahahahah lov u guys! bye

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