• changed the layout design

  • added a chatterbox

  • added a counter

  • updated

so it would seem that i to have also ventured into the world of nexopia but i will always remain a child of xanga. so been keeping busy, playing video games, msn, sleeping, watching tv, eating, napping and so forth but the time for that is over. yes my  life as an unemployed individual ended yesterday when i started my new job at Planet Spacewalkers. but even though i am employed and cannot enjoy the lazy man’s life, the job is pretty okay.

recording begins in a week, right on.



33 thoughts on “

  1. sweet. i really like this layout too. its nice. ya planet spacewalkers! lol. sounds fun, i’m jealous, u get to record. i just have a tiny recording program on my laptop. anyways, ttyl.

  2. ah the joy of little kids runnng around snotting on everything making a mess out of everything  ah its great

  3. it took me at least one extra year to get into the whole xanga thing… nexopia, I’m sure, is at least 4-7 years away for me. I have enough trouble trying to coin up fancy things to say on one blog thing… though I don’t know exactly what nexopia has to offer… I am sure that I will not be a part of it for a very long time.

    Bonus points for recording!

    And for eightteen year old male men of valour, whose birthdays and all you can drink events seem to slip the memories of our crazy blonde-haired friend.

    And for the Irish men who will soon conquor the known entertainment universe.

    You get one eprop… not because I am mean or anything… I just have never given only one eprop to anyone before. There you go.

  4. hmm I almost got a nexopia. but then I thought to myself “I’m 12 years old, I think I should be enjoying my life beyond the creepy pedophiles of the internet.”

    this of course was some time ago. but yeah. I stand by it.  😛

  5. blah, marathons coming our way in the next lil bit.
    buddy! thanks for being such a wonderful mr. tumnus!
    narf! hahaha. wow were fudging Lunatic’s.
    now that may sound wrong, but ill leave it here for now.
    sick minded bastard.
    errr. ill get you i will.
    hahaha, guess what!
    well im not that stupid.
    ill tell you later
    ho-bag. 🙂

  6. that’s awesum, you updated, AND changed your layout, (well at least from the last time i visited) lol

    so how’s life goin’??



  7. well actually they could be ALOT better but w/e nobody really cares anyways….so ya, do you make the header your self??? cause if you do, then i must say that you have a talent for such things….



  8. hah yeah i remember when you were going to move in. that would have been sweet if you did since we already know you. but uhm yeah.

    too bad you didnt…but i hope where ever you are living right now that its going great for you!

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