with the night comes a crazy ambition to live it through. but by 5:00am your wondering what the heck you were thinking. just gotta keep that coffee coming.

the thought that I get to spend the day with you
will keep me awake.

wish you were here for coffee.

leave for mexico on monday, I cant wait to get outta here. no one will ever know what almost happened today, but all that matters is it took a turn for the better. I’m done.

as I explore the night and life in the real world, the one we all enter when we leave school, I see how difficult it will be to hold on to the morals and standards we all have in a christian school. we truely live in a corrupted world, where its hard to find good people.

I mean theres good people, I’m just refferring to the things they do. the things that are a big deal in school but become not such a big deal out of school. but the moment you let them become “not a big deal”, is the moment you just screwed yourself over.

surround yourself with good people and your set to go but surround yourself with not so good people, and you better find something to hang on to. even the good kids in school will turn to a darker side, maybe for just little while, or maybe for the rest of their lives.

its tragic really. what will become of the kids that you grew up with? what will you worry about when school is done and your life really begins? it wont matter whos dating who, or what someone said behind your back. it wont matter what secrets were told or what the note that was passed in class was about. what will you care about once schools done?

everything that mattered in high school, wont matter in life. in fact, half those people you wont even see again. graduation: when everyone goes their seperate ways and explores the world, attempting to find out who they really are.

my advice to you is this:

dont stress about high school drama, it really is meaningless in the end. enjoy the time you have with friends at school, who knows how long it will be when you see them again after your graduate. stay away from everything you heard was wrong, whoever told you that, probably knew what they were talking about. and if your one of those people who need to try things out for themselves, I feel sorry for you.

so thats my piece of advice and random 5:00am blurbs. hey, sometimes you gotta live a little on the edge. staying up all night and then going to school that day, isnt as easy as you may think. if you have a couple friends with you, you can have some good fun.

so good morning and dont forget your coffee on your way out the door.


edit: I’m out of cream for my coffee! AHHHHHHH!

…now what?

43 thoughts on “

  1. hey Hey.
    Ya I know.. Gotta be careful with xanga’s these days. EVERYONE reads them.. Eek like Mr. Bitgood…
    That post will be deleted soon enough though:P
    Heck yes For Mexico! 3 days! (well 2 depending on how you count it)
    Speaking of mexico..I have to go get this assignment done..
    And where was Jesus yesteray? heyyyy? hah

  2. Ok, I don’t know if you’ve been keeping up on the situation, but America neeeeds to get involved in this one. And so does the EU and UN.

    Iran is a real threat, and is openly developing nuclear weapons with the open intent to destroy Israel.

    Anyways, enjoy the trip to Mexico. 🙂 I’m sure it’ll be the most awesome of times.

  3. good entry brandon lol. oh no! not the cream! *faints* horrible.. *grins* im sure you survived this little ordeal lol. have a great day
    God Bless

  4. that is something i think about every day. not exaggerating. well i mean the first part of your blog.
    I’ve seen a lot of people that Ive really admired turn and do some really dumb stuff
    it took me a while to realize that these people i held up on a pedestal were not perfect
    and that perfection is something that cannot be achieved. which was a blow.
    maybe i was stupid all along to think these people had higher standards and could actually fill those shoes
    and maybe i was just projecting.
    but is it really impossible to stay so pure in such a dirty world?
    i choose to believe that it is possible. but that is something everyone has to decide for themselves.

    ps sorry for the long comment. ive just had a lot on my mind.

  5. out of coffe eh?????? but yeah i personally HATE coffee WITH A PASSION!!!!!! and i think that i already told u that…oh well, so how wus ur report card????


  6. We leave for monday on MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Dooode. I am beyond stoked.
    I sure hope nothing is awkward.
    Haha I’m sure it’l be sweet.
    Dude. Oh man. So stoked.
    Buddy… stoked!

  7. Yeah one of these days we will meet.
    have fun in mexico.
    great insight.  i totally agree with waht you said about things becoming “not a big deal” and then then your screwed. 

    Have a good day!

  8. Man it’s gonna be so weird seeing how everybody turns out. See what kind of people they become. What choices they’ve made. How they’ve grown up. yeah like you were saying, all the stuff people worry about now won’t matter at all. It’ll be so interesting seeing what people are worried about when they are older.

    ahh your posts always make me think. haha.

  9. i have never stayed up all night and gone to school, i don’t know how you could do it. have a good trip to Mexico hey.  get me something cool when your there.  like some mexican sandals. 

  10. hey, yes i did cut my hair

    where u at willow park on wednesday, cause i though i saw u

    Have an incredible time in Mexico, i hope that God does some awesome things through u and in you

    enjoy the coffee

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