annnnnnddd were in mexico!

wow, were finally here and I can truely say that it is even more spectacular then I imagined. I was able to grab a spot for a few minutes at an internet cafe (they are everywhere around here, but their internet is slower then mine), and so I thought Iยดd give you guys an update on whats goin on down here.

first of all the plane ride was long and tiring, we made a couple stops along the way but we made it to the airport in mexico city at around 6am-ish. after that we had our first attempt at ordering food at a mexican mcdonalds (not easy when you dont know any spanish). I dont know why I ate there. If I dont trust north american mcdonalds, why on earth would I trust a spanish one? I was probably just in some form of maddness from the hunger.

anyways our hotel is beautiful, not necessarly super nice on the inside but it defenitly has that spanish look and feel to it. the ocean is incredible and the waves are nuts. ocean excitment for me consitsts mostly of just sitting close to shore and letting the waves pound me into the sand. Its fun, in a strange sort of way. I tried surfing and boogie boarding and got this mad rash on my stomach which just kills, however it was really fun and I came to the realization that I cant surf. I also came to the other realization that waves can kill you.

Its really hot here, your pretty much always sweating. like all day and all night. I survive only from cheap coca-colas so I drink about 5 or 6 of them a day. you dont care if your killing your insides as long as your quenching your thirst.

anyways I might update again if I get a chance but the bus is leaving so I gotta run. talk to you guys soon!


18 thoughts on “

  1. puedo la hamburguesa con queso
    aka ?can i order a cheeseburger?
    con papatas fritas?
    with fries

    ๐Ÿ˜‰ theres a little bit of spanish for you

    but mannnnn that sounds amazing.
    we are praying for you and the team!!!

  2. That’s so awesome. The school is so quiet without all of you guys! Everything is so empty. it’s nuts. But i’m glad that your all safe and having a great time.
    God Bless!

  3. yay an update! that is awesome and yes surfing isn’t for everyone. hope to hear from you soon. sounds like you guys are having a good time. can’t wait to hear even more.
    God bless,

  4. ah your alive, what a relief…now i can sleep, keep drinking coke lol its good stuff! anyway i miss you so much and wish you would email me! but its ok im writing all my life in a book for you cause i miss you so much!
    love youuu bj

  5. Man, that brings back some good memories.
    Wish I was there.
    Is Smith there with you guys? I assume he is.
    If he is, tell him I said that if I was there the trip would be friggin’ amazing, and he knows it.
    If he’s not with you guys, then just tell Victor instead.

  6. Heyy Branden I miss you alot and same with everyone else that is in Mexico well it sounds like you are having fun and you are learning some new things. Thats really awesome to hear ๐Ÿ˜€

    I just arrived at school and my aunts and two uncles showed up from Ireland I am starting to get my acsent back I LOVE IT YAY lol Well maybe when you get back I will still have it and I can make some funny jokes ๐Ÿ˜› well talk to you soon Love you and hope you stay safe


  7. Heyy Branden I miss you alot and same with everyone else that is in Mexico well it sounds like you are having fun and you are learning some new things. Thats really awesome to hear ๐Ÿ˜€

    I just arrived at school and my aunts and two uncles showed up from Ireland I am starting to get my acsent back I LOVE IT YAY lol Well maybe when you get back I will still have it and I can make some funny jokes ๐Ÿ˜› well talk to you soon Love you and hope you stay safe


  8. im glad you guys are having a great timmmmmeeeeeee!!! i wish i was there…mexico. ah so fun lol. prayin for you and the team God Bless!

  9. you effin.c.word.
    mr.tumnus misses you alot around here.
    its been very hard keepin up with him and all his tea-making.
    you see he’s been on a i-miss-brandon-the-ho-so much-mood that he he keeps running around
    finding different kinds of flavours for tea.
    and its driving me mad!!!
    oh yes, he is sleeping beside your guitar right now.
    counting the days til you get back.
    tea-for-beee-tea-for beee.
    is all he keeps murmuring in his sleep.
    i have some news for you.
    i will tell you some place else tho.
    this house has been nice without you.
    HAHA :O but quiet. hmm wierd.

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