So I scored Mrs. Hayden the donation money today and she was definitely blessed. She called it “an answer to prayer”. God works in mysterious ways and in this case, he worked through us. Big thanks to everyone who donated and kept the Hayden’s in their thoughts and their prayers, it meant a lot. The Hayden’s  leave on Sunday early in the morning to head out to Vancouver and I believe they will be out there for about two weeks.

Mr. Hayden is making an excellent recovery. The doctors said because his heart was in such good shape from running all the time, only minimal damage was done.

I apologize to those of you who wanted to donate but we were unable to get in touch. If you would still like to donate you most certainely can. I still have a few bucks thats being transferred to my bank account from my paypal account and once thats finished, I will be giving the money to the Hayden’s daughter (and my landlord) Danielle, and she will probably do a direct deposit in the Hayden’s bank account. So you guys have until about Tuesday of next week if you still want to donate.


Total Money Raised: $540.00

8 thoughts on “

  1. Hey Brandon – I missed this fundraising – what’s the money going for exactly? Count me in for $20.

    Praise God Pat is going to be fine. I think we were all shocked when we heard.

    Talk to you soon! Hope post grad life is as sweet as expected.

  2. Hey Brandon,

    did you pick up the envelope from the church here? my wonderful secretaries have no idea what I am tlaking about… God bless those secretaries! (no sarcasm here really)

    Also brandon email me, or Maybe Danielle H can as I have some donations from the youth that came in late… suprise surprise. After teacher this past year i have found students are late on everything from homework to donating money for a good cause… God bless procrastinators! (again no sarcasmn here)

    Anywyas I am glad we raised that much money so far, and I say so far, because I think there is still more to come, I have approx. 150$ sitting on my desk.

    As much as we raise is great and a blessing, but why stop short, God has blessed us above and beyond our needs can we not do the same to this wonderful family?

    Love ya B

    Dan the Man

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