we approach a day and a place I never thought I’d go to again. it’s time to prepare. I’ll be sure to bring a double dosage.

red text = words that rhyme

wow, were pretty much half way through august. Is it just me, or has this summer gone by faster then all the others? maybe it’s just because I’ve been working all the time, or maybe time seems to fly once you get out of high school, one of the two anyways.

so I still havent got the final confirmation if this acoustic show is a go or not, but I should know for sure in the next couple of days (why do I keep rhyming my words?).

so as most of you may not know, Victor, Zach and myself along with our long lost drummer Josiah, will be reuniting to provide you with the most kick-butt-sweet-mother-rock-out worship you have ever witness at Morning Star 2006. we spoke with your fearless leader (aka. mr. smith) and requested that we lead morning star worship. he gave us a pat on the back and a thumbs up and said

yeah right.

kidding. he said it was a rad idea and so were stoked to be doing morning star worship for you guys.

anyways though, I think that about sums up recent news. hope all y’all are having a good summer ‘n stuff.

later gaters.


20 thoughts on “

  1. Buddy. i have to work on monday. and tuesday. and wednesday. and thursday. and friday. and saturday. give me a call or something

  2. K dude… mucho appologies and stuff, but with moving… I am hecka sketch on the shred super busy all up untill like the 21st-ish. Very little extra time in there. so for band practices or whatever… yeah. Just so ya know.

    Hate to bog down this whole opperation, but I seem to have a knack for it.

  3. yay! you guys are going to be awesome at morning star! can’t wait! gotta sing rain down!!! and thanks i’m having a good time on my trip.

  4. he wasnt on a building he was on a 20ft high loading dock for like ships and stuff and he jumped off it into the water cuz they had been doing that all week and he went and jumped and after he jumped he noticed the barge down below and so he landed on that and broke a bunch of bones. but i just saw him while i was camping and hes doing WAYYYYYYYYY better hes on crutches now and he was in a wheelchair before and he only has one cast left on one of his legs and he said that the bone is already together its just getting stronger so thats so great its such a miracle that he healed this quick cuz he had so many broken bones. but yeah. thats the story so there you have it. haha.

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