Hey guys! Well its friday and theres no school today but I had to wake up early nonetheless for basketball practice. Oh well it was worth it I suppose.

I just wanted to say thanks to all you guys for commenting, I think thats the most I’ve ever gotten, I’m glad most of you like the song.

Allright so heres on update on stuff:

1.) Zach Petch and me are doing an 80’s rock out at the talent show. Come and check us out in jeans and stuff. Check out Zach, hes going to be busting out a wicked solo and I’m going to be singing in a super pitched voice.

2.) Justin and me are singing two songs as well. Were gonna sing Hannah’s Song and another one I wrote. Were practicing up for that, so it will sound pro…haha hopefully anyways.

3.) I’m getting my nipples periced!!!!!

…haha no just kidding on that one.

Ah so not a whole lot going on right now. Hannah and me are going to try to get some people together and head to the mall on saturday, haha were so original! SO if your interested, let me know.

*sigh* Today was a semi-good day. The downside of the day was me not being able to go hang out with Hannah this afternoon, auurgghhh I’m so mad. The good side was that….uh it wasnt the worst that could happen. (but it was way up there on the downside scale).

Well I’m off to go write a song, I’m bored and bummed, thats usually what I need to make a good one. Haha well wish me luck and have a good weekend!




8 thoughts on “

  1. of course I realize that the partty isnt tell january but you see the certificate expires soon and also…. dresses get more pricey so yes

  2. oh haha I see that you got quite the group at the mall today. three, wow, how did you all fit in one car!!! haha, just buggin ya. Oh and just so you know, anywhere I am…you can be pretty sure Zach isn’t there. yep. That is how it goes in this household. he is there…I am not…I am there…he is not.

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