Well its 9:30 in the morning and it seems I was the only one dumb enough to get up this early during the holidays. Theres no people on msn (go figure) and so I decided to write a xanga post. So the good news is I’m going to be super tired tonight which is good because tonight is the night I usually dont fall asleep very well. Tonight is that night that comes once a year, tonight is (drum roll please) CHRISTMAS EVE!!!! wOOt! wOOt! So if your normal like me you open your presents on Christmas Day and not on Christmas Eve, (not saying any names *cough* Hannah *cough*)  however, you are still my friend if you practice this “backwards” way of celebrating. (as long as you repent of your sins and change your evil ways)

Ugh…I put to much sugar in my cheerios and now they taste to sweet and taste gross. Man, why cant I ever have any good cereal around here
like….ummm….Frosted Cheerios! Yum! (haha even more sugar)

So theres only two things that I really want this year for Christmas and that is this wicked awsome incredible jacket that I have fallen in love with
and some of this really nice smelling colounge that I forgot the name of. (did I even spell colounge right?)

Have you noticed that at the end of every little paragraph thing I write there is something in brackets followed by a smilie face of some sort?
(sorta like this)

Anyways thats the story for now boys and girls, or girls and boys, whichever you want to say first. That killer snowstorm doesnt look like its coming
for awhile yet but its supposed to snow tonight so watch out! I’ve built this communications device in computer class that will allow me access to the internet no matter what the outside conditions are so if that snowstorm hits, I will post it here and show up CNN cause their news is always a few days late anyways. Thanks for the comments guys, have a Merry Christmas! (and a happy new year)


14 thoughts on “

  1. no you weren’t the only one crazy enough to wake up this early I was up way earlier, along with my sister, and mom, ya i know we’re crazy.. But I’m still believing for that crazy snowstorm! If there is not at least 2 inches of snow by tomorrow I’ll be sad! haha Have a very merry christmas!


  2. Heyy i am not un normal! haha..i get to open my present BEFORE you..so there :P…have an awesome christmas Brandon! 🙂

    talk to ya later!


  3. Ya i think that a lot of ppl r up early, but like me r to lazy to sit up and be on the computer. Haha except for u. Lol so that’s wut u’ve been doing in computer class…just don’t tell mr.tonn b/c then that will mean u actually learned sumthing in that class. Even though we haven’t gone over doing anything like that…..have we??Ahh i don’t know wut is being taught in that class! Anyways Merry Christmas

  4. haha i slept in till 12!!  woo hoo so now in soo hyper and wide awake! cherios are good even wiht out suger lol haha ya i open my prestents on christmas even but i knwo otehr people who open them on christmas eve to! lol well havea nd aweosme Christmas!! xoxo -Bree 

  5. Cologne! i believe is the way you spell it ok? anyways yeah love ya man, hope you have an awesome Christmas and have fun in all that snow! Merry Christmas!

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