Hello hello. So it looks like the only time for xanga updating is in computers and take a guess at where I am now.

Not a whole lot going on right now as far as interesting xanga posts go. I am doing some recording next week with some of my music so I’ll put that up here whens its done if you guys want to listen to any of it. Most of its pretty mellow stuff so dont expect anything to heavy. ^_^

Went to the mall the other day (what else is new I know). Got some new clothes and stuff like that. Poor Justin had to wait for an hour for me to decide on a pair of pants haha. I warned him going shopping with me might not be the “fastest” thing you could do.

Then yesterday I bought the Taking Back Sunday cd, good stuff. I took the bus down to future shop and back and I was still on time for class, not bad eh?

Well sorry this post is a little on the boring side. As soon as something really exciting (or really boring) happens, I’ll let you all know. Take care.


Ps. …and its really really cold outside, bundle up.


27 thoughts on “

  1. Wow you can actually get to xanga in your computer class? its blocked on our comps…stupid school system lol

    oh wow you record your own music! i want to hear! that sounds Awesome! haha mellow is good

    well i gotta go later days,


    p.s. thanks for the advice i think ill wear my jacket tomorrow….just because you want me to hehe

  2. woah thats amazing! im in computer class too! how ironic! how can you still right such long interesting entires when you said theres nothing to talk about! haha! well im stoked to hear some of your music! have a great day!

  3. thats aweosme i wish i could sing lol adn goin to the mall is alwasy fun especially when you get to get new cloths!! aha you scared us soo much on wednesday night!! it was soo scary lol but kinda  fun all in one lol well hope you have a great weekend xoxo -Bree

  4. hahahahaahha…yeah you are too picky..i swear you tried twenty pairs of pants on…and came out with one eff ahha…crazy kid…so yeah…Taking Back Sunday…good cd….yeah…and i’m out…haha…laterz…foo…

  5. hey my xanga posts always are a little on the boring side so. How you doin? I would like to here some of your recording when it comes out. And dont forget about mr porteus. 😀

  6. no lol he is like the leader of her missions trip, and morocco is dangerous so she needs to be around him at all times….i guess it looks like a bodyguard but not really hah


  7. Taking Back Sunday is an awesome band…i have a song by them on my xanga haah, yup..sounds pretty fun…It so cold outside.

  8. hah, how can it be that even my eventful posts are more boring than yours? It’s cool that your getting some recording done. I always to my friends say that I will but I am too poor and un-prepared for such a thing as that.

  9. lol a typing contest what a geek hahahahha ok well nice post and i thnk that tara girl has a crush on you ooooo lala haha ok and daniel dont ever remind me of that disgusting story and especially dont put a smily by it lol

  10. sesamee snaps are like crackers but cookie like…their made of sesamee seeds and sugar and its sooooo delicious…go to the store and buy some.  they have them at quality greens! 🙂

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