Not to understood these days.

Tomorrow is, guess what?

Some people like it, others hate it, I’m not to sure what I think of it.

Writing xanga entries about how your really feeling doesnt really do much good, pretending is better.

Mixed up xanga post I know guys, sorry. Not quite sure what else to say.

Take care, my love to all of you this v-day.

Edit: Changed the pic…Spandex Boy.


34 thoughts on “

  1. hey there

    ya valentines is ok

    if you have someone you either like or love and they feel the same way

    but yes my day was so exciteing you know eating a mint wow lol

    buh bye

    Jodi xoxoxo

    P.s … pic!!!

  2. ….haha yes who knows what well happen this week…okay nice pic as well…

    …haha last night was fun…like no sleep haha…yikes im tired…

  3. Hey Brandon!

    Awesome pic! hahha Boo Valentines day! And no pretending to be something your not is not good! Trust me, I have way to much experience in that area! Not fun! Be yourself! If that’s bummed out than that’s fine if that’s happy then that’s cool too! lol ok ya…

  4. ok haha i never realized you had matching shoes o my that is so awsome haha!!!! yay spandex ….remember though hot pink ones r cool to 😉 lol

  5. HAHAHAHAHAHA love the pic

    now if only we could get ANYONE in RSS, well besides the mentally challenged kids, to do that, that would be awesome. THAT is one thing i miss about HCS. people arent as worried about what they look like. there is no cat man or spandex boy to ‘save the world’ haha yes okay well i will see you soon

    – – Jo – –

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