I cant find a stupid house to live in….

                        …and its frustrating beyond explination.

and thats a cool but gory movie


edit: have you ever been bored to the point of death?

… I’m about 3 seconds away. *sigh*

edit 2: I just noticed my last 4 posts have had edits in them…not that I care…and not that you do either.



31 thoughts on “

  1. I wish I could help you…
    thx for the info… I sent you one back
    Just think… God had a plan and a purpose through the sticky situations… they suck, but then they can help someone out … hopefully to the point of salvation!
    thanks again

  2. aww
    id let you live here
    but i dont think my mom would liek that
    and you wouldnt be close to your friends
    so that wouldnt work out very well
    i hope you find somewhere soon

  3. lalalalalala…i knew you would like that movie…haha yeah kinda gory and not very nice how some ppl die in it…one day you will learn the master techniques of martial arts indeed…if you want haha…i think you could…yeah anyways…eeek somehow somewhere over the rainbow you will find a good place to live and it will be very cool and you’ll have a blast…but blasts dont happen without me 😛 haha yeah so anyways boi dadadadadum…im listening to Nirvana like crazy right now and i cant get out of it…i think this will be my Nirvana listening like crazy month…cause its the 11th anniversary of his death this month as you know…haha…yeah yeah yeah…this summer…will be a blast…or after summer…or w/e happens it will be great…haha u made a funny yesterday. take that road trip in that persons old car without that person HAHA…im still thinking about that…lets go camping too! and go see the ocean! and go meet more famous ppl and get advice from then and just have a bbbbbbbbblast…remember how easy it was to meet HD…well cept for waiting a cpl hours..think about how easy it will be to meet someone else…we could become stalkers or sumthin…but of someone really intresting to stalk…and is happy that we are stalking them…and then go sing in different places that are really funny to go too…and wash dishes in some restraunt if we run out of cash…like on the movies…and oh yeah by all means we should stay out of texas so we dont get cut up by a phycho with a chainsaw…and not the woods either…i dont feel like being cut up and eaten by some guy who likes to say “Dirty Pop” and laugh really funny…because i would just laugh at him before he killed me…which might not be that bad cause dying and laughing at the same time sounds better then some other deaths…haha…gosh the times…anyways better let you go…past the point of no return…love ya homie B dawgggggggggg…peace out…

  4. Hey brandon
    lol i so hope you find a place *cough *glenmore*cough* haha
    i will pray for you!!
    welll see you at school….like i said before we hardly ever talk at school or online
    so if justin doesnt let you on the computer head over to the library cause im always on
    haha but ya so see you later
    <333 Jodi xoxo 

  5. YES!!!! now im excited 🙂 you better come!!
    man she over reacts i didnt do anything to her so ya *tiff* lol
    man we have to chill at your new place..i can help decorate lol
    so have an awsome weekend and see you on monday!!
    <333 Jodi xoxoxo

  6. it sure is time that we chill
    its a must
    no matter where and when
    in the rain in the snow
    on a box in a mall who cares we must
    have a good time in joe
    <333 jodi xoxox

  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahaha… ha.. ha… *gasp*choke* haha…

    ohhhhh brando you make me laugh. that made my day. and i’ve had a pretty dang good day so that just shows how awesome you are.


  8. oh hey, i meant the comment you put on my xanga was funny… that you can’t find a house is definately not funny…. haha and yet… not haha?? lol hmm yes well i would help if i could… hope things work out

  9. im loveing your hair
    loveing your earings
    sorry bout that
    happy i got to see you at the show
    nice talking to you at school!!
    hope you had an awsome weekend
    and hope you have an awsome week
    <33333 jodi xoxoxo

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