edit: I was going to put down something interesting… unfortuantly I forgot what it was, just to let you know.


30 thoughts on “

  1. did i ever take that with my digital camera !!! man you have to look at the other ones i took!!
    man i hope you have an awsome weekend!!
    we have to do something soon
    hope your hand feels better
    alrighty buh bye

  2. hahah ya true true, did you have fun clogging your arteries? Did everything work out ok? haha I hope that’s not implying that  no one cares about you because lots of people do! Ok yes.. well have a good day. well at least as good as it can be!

  3. so i suppose you have to find a house
    so i may come over with some lovley girls
    and make you the best dinner around
    well randomly feeding you cookies and decorating your home

  4. wow brandon ahah you make me laugh. “these are the ppl who care” thanks bud you make us feel so loved liek geeze love is in teh air. you shoudl change the pic to “these are the ppl who care” wiht liek all teh seats filed wiht thousand of ppl. and tehn put edit: this is for ashley haha. no im kiddin haha ttyl..but that would be way cool


    ps: watching dustin play was already hilarious lol

  5. I hate that. I have something super awesome to tell the whole of everyone and then *woosh* it’s gone. Yeah. I think it has something to do with my air-headedness but I’m not sure….

  6. actually i think that pic is pretty interesting..makes ppl think….like if someone they know feels like that then maybe some things need to change eh…and maybe not just in the person’s life but in the lives around them

  7. dadadadadum. you foo. hmm well guess what…im going to go work on your old room now :P…see you later today.

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