so after indescribably long periods of waiting and numerous attempts to get my car, the day finally came to go pick it up. It seemed as though nothing would go wrong but I knew better

…and I also knew my luck with these kind of things.

so we drive out to Westbank (where my car is) and we stop at Shane’s work (the dude I’m buying my car from). as I pass through the long halls with newly moped floors and freshly waxed surfaces. my footsteps echoed in the dim lit corridors as I continued to calmly walk towards his office.

the occasional phone would ring and the sound of laughter of other employees drinking coffee and eating doughnuts reached my ears. finally I was at the right door. I knocked gently as I could feel the sweat drip down my forehead.

…the door opened slowly with an eerie creaking and I looked up to see the man I had been looking for, Shane. he was actually there, I couldn’t believe it. and not only was he there but he also had all the paperwork and gave me the key as I handed him an enclosed envelope with a large sum of money contained inside it.

with a handshake and an address written down on a post-it-note I began my journey out of the building and back to the car. carefully putting the car key into the bag with the insurance papers I made my way out of the facility and into the parking lot.

once in the car we continued our journey to the insurance place to pick up a temporary day permit which would allow me to bring the car back to my place legally (obviously it wasn’t insured yet).

as I walked into the insurance office I knew this was it. I knew this was the place where I would somehow in some way be prevented from getting the car. I nervously entered the building and took a seat.

a women at the front desk asked if there was anything she could do. I replied by requesting a temporary permit. after 5 minutes of talking and paperwork the permit was printed off and handed to me. I stared quietly at the papers in my hand and thought to myself

so much grief over such a small thing

walking back out the door into the parking lot while thanking the insurance lady for her help I felt like something was terribly wrong even though I knew that everything was going right. I pushed the feeling aside as we continued up to the house to pick up the car.

after getting lost once or twice we finally found the house and as we came closer I saw it. Its bright red color captured my gaze causing me drool. I got out of the car and ran up to the car looking in the windows I could see the cd player which is probably worth more then the car. It was glowing, it was beautiful and a tear hit my eye as I rejoiced in the moment.

I couldn’t wait another second. I reached in my pocket to get the key and open the doors and take my baby home. I pulled my hand out to realize…

…I had reached in the wrong pocket.

the key must be in my other pocket” I said to myself.

after repeating that phrase to myself 472 times I concluded the key was not in my pocket. trying to calm myself down I bolted for the other car and searched and destroyed the entire thing. every corner, every seat was searched with negative results. I rushed around the car frantically looking for the key in hopes that it just fell on the ground.

this was it I thought to myself. this is what went wrong. once again my luck had proved its non-existence. everything was going so right, I knew something wrong had to happen sooner or later… and it did.

with my head hung low I calmly walked over to the car as we began our drive home. hiding my disappointment I apologized to the others in the car for the trouble. I looked out the window trying to determine what could’ve possibly happened to my key and then it hit me.

“there’s only one explanation” I said to myself.



31 thoughts on “

  1. i effin’ knew those aliens are here to do you harm, slowly they will get to you more and more, ahhh brando i’m sorry, that sucks, well yeah ok let me know monday what happens next, have a good weekend and ill see you when i get back, lol, hopefully…hahaha. ok poyce, yeah u wont forget 😉

  2. yeah thats right spice girls you got a problem ahaha
    so i hope you get your key back from the gay aliens or are they straight?
    haha anyway i hope everythign goes right next time
    did you get your N yet? christina my sister is going for hers today
    but yeah have a good day <3

  3. haha yeah i wish some random person had told me that before i went..oh well.

    …and even aliens make mistakes. Like i know that they didn’t really mean to take yours keys. They actually wanted the keys of the guys beside u who ownes a brown station wagon, b/c that’s more their style;)

  4. ok i just realised after you signed off how are we going to figure this out are you going to go on msn? or you can call me or something kk 762-0094 and we have to do something kk

  5. Yeah hahaha my mom one day was like “what’s your xanga address?” and… I couldn’t avoid it. so yeah. it stinks.
    But not as much as you not getting your car! is that for real? aww man.

  6. Holy son of a crapper. did you check the place where you got ur insurance from? Dangnabbit. That sucks big time. and not even for free. that was a heck of an expensive sucker there. shi-oot. ptbh well then… ok… hey, plan another risk night sometime get your mind of of horrible sadnesses. ok.

  7. haha aww im sorry to hear that
    did you find your key? insurance place?
    but then it couldnt have been THAT much of a let down
    seeing as you were expecting something to happen
    yes… insurance is stupid. and so are the drivers in the cars.
    in the insureance cars.

  8. awe…that sucks! i would be soo mad! have you found teh key yet?
    haha and your post was teh first really long post i accually read  the whole thing lol hope yor having a good sumemr besides not being able to open your new car lol

  9. yeah, im pretty cool
    shopping with my mom and all…
    but hey, its the first time ive actually seen you working there

  10. brandon is like the coolest gangster ever
    is that is it …kevin dreger ?
    haha oh man your cool especially that you joined me sitting on the ground ..defenitly +1 cool point for you
    remember all the yeahs we had on that occured moment yeah i bet you dont haha jk well have a good time at work.

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